外商銀行Financial Controller財務控管部 資深副總裁
Responsibilities include managing people, reporting to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and the following tasks:
◆Ensuring high-quality financial reporting and disclosures for the bank.
◆Providing financial control advice to help departments manage their business operations effectively.
◆Building strong relationships with local regulators, external auditors, and internal stakeholders for accurate financial reporting.
◆Identifying and removing redundant or inefficient processes.
◆Promoting automation within the department.
◆Enhancing employee engagement through improved internal strategies.
◆Handling accounting reconciliations and controls to prevent losses from weak processes or controls.
◆Significant experience in accounting or financial services is essential.
◆GPAD covered worker.
◆Strong skills in communication, interpersonal relations, credibility, and influence are important.
◆Proficiency in both written and spoken English is required.
– 兼具市場競爭性及內部公平性的薪酬制度
– 完善的團體保險計劃
– 生日假
– 優於勞基法的年休假制度
– 退休金制度
– 職工福利
– 員工交易優惠
– 員工認股計劃
– 托兒協助方案
– 哺乳室
聯絡人:Gary Cheng
聯絡電話:+886 2 6623 6788
外商銀行Financial Controller財務控管部 資深副總裁
外商銀行Financial Controller財務控管部 資深副總裁
Private Banking RM Team Head(台北)
Private Banking Relationship Manager(台北/高雄)
服務電話| (02) 6623-6789
聯絡信箱| service@ucatch.com.tw
私立就業服務機構許可證號 桃市就服字 第0014號